This accessory board was designed for use with Microchip's PIC18F16Q20 Curiosity Nano evaluation board (not included) and is perfectly designed to complement their I3C Multi-Protocol Translator example project [Github]. This application example demonstrates the implementation of an I3C Target in their 8bit PIC microcontroller. As this MCU is an I3C Target-only implementation, the Supernova is a perfect companion for the I3C Controller.
- All pins are broken out to standard 2.54mm headers.
- There are headers on the I3C SCL and SDA signals to easily connect your favorite logic analyzer to observe bus traffic.
- Integrated W25Q64JV SPI Flash Memory for demonstrating I3C-to-SPI protocol translation
- Integrated rotary potentiometer for analog readings
- Integrated LEDs for I3C GPIO Expander demo
- External connection for I2C Target devices
- External connection for UART interface

PIC18F16Q20 Curiosity Nano I3C Target Demo Board